Monday, December 22, 2014

Crush Retaliation/Muse Obliteration

See this is where being a poet fucking sucks. Because whatever you're writing has been *ahem*... inspired. So I wrote a poem with this guy in mind and put his initials in the title.  Just a random little thing, whatevs. But what if the bastard sees my blog?! and a poem?! with his initials in the title?!  He'll be feeling all powerful and shit from dissing me by not replying to my note!!

 So I took his initials out of the title!! 

 DONE. I am a goddesss!!

(But, really, I still know that I wrote that poem about him, even if he never sees it.)

The Drama. *wipes a tear*

I wish I had never written the poem about him except that it was a decent piece and I sort of like it.

But fuck him. And not in the sexy way I'd planned!


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