Monday, March 30, 2015

Observations of Life Inside a Parallel Domicile Adjacent to Rock Bottom

Observations of Life Inside a Parallel Domicile Adjacent to Rock Bottom

1. Having a bad run of luck, fate, finances, health, depression etc doesn't mean you can't have a perfectly good day in an almost perfectly good mood
2. The people who help you when you are down and out are usually the people who can't afford to yet help support you anyway

3. Poor people share, rich people... not so much

4. Sometimes change that appears to be irreversibly destructive can be a blessing in disguise (Note: I have heard this nugget of optimism for years, though I always suspected it to be a foul rumour of little truth and great malice, but despite my hostility to it I now have the possession of some suggestive evidence in favor of  this hypothesis. Prior to this experience however I might have clawed someone's eyes out for suggesting such a foolish-sounding thing while  I wallowed in a rut of ill-fate, stress and deprivation. But now I declare there may be useful truth to this riddle.)

5. Blood family are not always the family members who will be around to catch you when you fall but family forged from choice and affinity tend to be there with fortitude everytime

6. When you are at rock bottom never turn down weed. 
Never ever ever ever refuse weed whilst enduring crisis at Rock Bottom

7. Find something to laugh about everyday. Even if you have to spend all your patience and a goodlyl amount of effort look for the funny things in life. A good laugh is worth as much as an earth-shattering orgasm and maybe more...

8. Just because bad shit is happening in your life it does not mean that you are a bad person who should feel bad forevermore: fight hard against any instinct to condemn yourself: you have to stay out of the rut of self-condemnation because a) it's wasteful of your precious store of energy b)entirely un-useful c) it will only perpetuate ripples of emotion that are full of self-recrimination, paranoia, and these are dangerous flirtations.

9. Like the first day of kindergarten you can make true friends at Rock Bottom. But at the same time remember that not everyone who helps you is your friend; not everyone who shits on you is your enemy; and if you are warm and happy in the shit keep your mouth shut and roll with it.

10. Do whatever you have to do, be it in the most selfish, self-protective manner but take care of your mind, energy-store, keep yourself as calm and comfortable as possible while in crisis. Don't let others force you into positions of further suffering or feelings of guilt, shame, or humiliation for practicing self-preservation/self-survival. Take care of yourself with every bit of love and devotion as a mother caring for a child: be your own love and your own lover. Protect YOU.

by Clarina Hernandez


  1. Really? Never turn down weed? A lot of people who need to UNmellow in order for them to be able to gear themselves into taking some concrete steps to emerge from the shit they're in, unfortunately will be all too happy to take this misinformed advice. Whether trying to heal our own individual personal lives or the life of the community-at-large, We have No Time to Waste on mind-altering drugs!!!
    I dropped into this blog because Mark Naison follows it, but its glorification of recreational marijuana (I have no prob with medical for such as cancer pain relief) -- not just the post I'm commenting on but others as well -- I find to be decadent and a true DISservice to any of its impressionable readership. I won't be back.

    1. Take a chill pill chick! If you can't take sarcasm, humor, and viewpoints differing from your own I do urge you to move on to others blogs...but thank you for the visit!

  2. I wonder if my comment will be censored. Because I suspect that it may be (marijuana abusers are typically defensive about their drug-of-"choice" -- in quotes because it's more of a compulsion, I have observed), I *will* be back one more time to check. Best to you in your constructive endeavors

    1. My blog is for grown ups only not for the young or impressionable! Politrixters are smart enough and strong enough and informed enough to use responsibly - and for Poltrixters who are members of AA or other healthful, life saving organizations too! I hope that all readers know how to relax and enjoy opinions that may differ from their own - tolerance of weed or of contrary thoughts are critical for any of my readers!

    2. Also forgive me for not publishing your comment sooner but I've been away from the internet as I navigate homelessness. But you should know that I never censor comments and I can't be intimidated into doing so either. Please understand that experiencing your puritanical disagreement with my topics is nowhere near meaningful enough to force me into changing my style, or to stop me from exploring the topics that I find relevant, funny, worth mentioning etc. This blog is about my creativity, my roving thoughts, my restlessness and my view on the rich, beautiful and random elements of life. I don't take suggestions here! Any true student of Mark Naison should know that there is no greater champion of free expression. I'm here to express, to make myself laugh, to ponder and worry and weep and provoke -- the first most important reader of this blog is myself - the second most important reader of this blog is ...yep you guessed it ME. Your garbled condemnation of a pulpy ad is not quite enough to chastise me into altering my content nor reverse my opinion. I'm sad for you that this post was enough to send you flying away in pearl clutching outrage -- learn to laugh and go have a mind blowing orgasm after that because you sound like you need it! I recommend the weed for both activities. Peace!

    3. Also
