Remember in the movie Friday when Ice Cube got fired from his job for being accused of stealing some boxes? That's why he's hanging out smoking weed wtih Chris Tucker because they said he stole some boxes. And the whole film everybody's like "You got fired on a Friday? So did you do it?" and he's like "NO I did not!! But they tryna say they got me on video tape". It's bullshit but still he gets fired.
Now try to you conceive of the enormity of what this Snowden has stolen from the US government and revealed? I can't really understand the rage Snowden produces in me but I have to examine it especially since I've been writing about my family. I think it's the fact that he worked FOR the machine and then pulls this "Oh I'm so shocked routine".
But my family has BEEN under federal surveillance before; I had family members who broke federal gambling laws. The state I live in has a state lottery because they saw how successful my grandfather's operation was: they wanted to compete and beat the competition. But as always the government stiffs are retarded and don't know that gamblers don't give a fuck who runs the operation as long as they get paid fairly. They like to spread the money around so the state lottery didn't hurt grandpa's enterprise. In fact he made more money because he had a license to set up state lottery machines in his places.
So as a person who has endured that panic when picking up the phone and thinking "Are they listening? Am I going to get in trouble?"I can relate to Snowden's revelations all too well. No matter if you're calling your mama to say you're sick at school or she calls to tell you to bring home milk... THEY are likely listening. And soon you just accept it and live your life. You convince yourself that there's some justice in the world and yeah they may be after your daddy or your husband but you've done no wrong. What can you do? You either let the paranoia eat you alive or you just say ....Fuck it...I gotta live.
I haven't ordered my father's or my grandfather's files under the Freedom of Information Act yet. I can't handle it just now. But I know for a fact that it exists because one day while my mom was working at her lawyer's, as she went back to school for her paralegal license, an FBI agent came in. He noted her name and cheerfully told her that they had an inch thick file on one family member. Though he admitted that through their spying they knew her to be an absolute innocent.
You can't imagine the shame. The embarrassment. The impotent rage. To be violated in such a manner is so close to rape that it creates a dark paranoid fear inside that you never truly get rid of. To be mocked by a total stranger, a government officer of the law no less? You just learn to live with it. But it makes a dark anger inside you.
So I think that when I look at Snowden discuss the freedoms he presumed were his natural rights as an American I laugh. The men who wrote so eloquently in the Federalist Papers and the Bill of Rights were slaveholders for the most part and those rights were reserved for white male property owners alone. Had he attended school he might know that. He might have understood earlier that he had signed up to play the fool when he decided to work for the Man in the first place.
So on the one hand I applaud his efforts in bursting the bubble that the more naive and sheltered American mind may still function under,, but I feel angry and offended at his presumption as well. And why should I? Why should I care if the governments's illegal, immoral and unjust secrets are revealed?
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